
m&m and kit kat birthday cake

Yesterday the boyfriend announced he needed to make a birthday cake for one of his work mates and produced a google image (no recipe of course) of what he wanted it to look like. Our version I’m pretty pleased to say looks fairly identical, if you’ve given up chocolate for lent look away now! It’s a basic vanilla sponge covered with chocolate butter cream with kit kats around the edge and peanut m&m’s on top. It’s definitely one of the better cakes we’ve made together, I’ve asked him to save me a piece but I’m not going to hold my breath as I can’t see it lasting long in his office.

We used about 18 kit kat bars and two packs of peanut m&m's.


  1. Wow that is impressive. Looks so yummy. My boyfriend loves peanut m and Ms, might have to have a go :-) xx


    1. It's really easy, I'd have gone for the crispy m&ms myself!

  2. I'd be happy if someone presented that cake to me on my birthday this week, it looks AMAZING!

    Amy x cocktailsinteacups.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Thanks, I'm hoping he brings a piece home for me! Happy Birthday for this week :)

  3. This looks amaaazing! I've seen almost this exact cake floating around the social networkz recently, except that it had a picture of Sheldon (Big Bang Theory) in his ball pit stuck in the top. Bazinga!

    1. That's such a cool idea - will have to add a Sheldon if we make another one!

  4. DROOL. I've had that cake picture on my foodie Pinterest Board for ages. My birthday is coming up soon, which I reckon may well be the perfect time to give this a go :)

  5. This looks amazing! This is totally my inspiration for the HTBs next birthday cake!

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