
Crochet | African flower cushion

How to join and make an African flower cushion

Another finished project, high-five's all round! So today I thought I'd share how to join your African flower squares into a cushion as I recently discovered it's not quite as simple as using granny squares. It turns out that while joining squares into a bigger square is easy, joining hexagons into a square... not so much! 

Here's the tutorial: 

You'll need 32 flowers for a standard 40cm square cushion, you can see step-by-step instructions for how to crochet an African flower here.

Once you have your flowers lay them out into the following pattern 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 3. The flowers in the middle will be on the front of your cushion. Join together using a slip stitch in the back loop. I found it easiest to join them into strips, then join the strips together to get the flat shape.

One they are all joined, place face down and fold the left and right edges into the centre - your cushion shape will begin to appear! Join these together using slip stitch though the back loop.
Then you'll be able to see where to join the bottom seam.

Now turn it the right way out and insert your cushion pad. Join the final seam with a wool needle, I found the neatest finish was to sew though the back loops while keeping the squares flat, not folded together like you do with slip stitch. It's a bit fiddly to start with, but gives a nice flat finish.

I'm super happy to have finished this one, it matches the feature wall in our bedroom perfectly and adds a pop of pastel colour. It's been a long time coming though, I planned the project and brought the wool back in February, yes you read that right February, but I didn't manage to start it until June. Since then apart from keeping me company in the evenings, it's been to Menorca and back, and on a long car journey to Bristol. But that kind of makes it all the more special now it's got a few memories attached to it. 



  1. It's lovely, I've never seen a crocheted cushion before. I keep meaning to try and learn to crochet (I have a kit), I just have to find some time to sit down and watch youtube videos to teach me.

    Lisa | Not Quite Enough

  2. This was definitely worth all the hard work of putting it all together. Love the colours you chose, too.

  3. ooh this has got such a lovely vintage vibe to it! something like this would make a very special christmas present, though saying that i can barely knit a scarf... xo
    natasha // eyebrows, inc.

  4. Ooh that's so clever! Love the design :)

  5. I use to love crocheting cushion covers, I never had enough cushions in fact to make use of them all lol. I love the motif you used and the colours look great, especially against the grey.

  6. Please tell me how to down load then pattern and is it free

  7. Please tell me how to down load then pattern and is it free

  8. I am making an african flower cushion and I was struggling to join the flowers however I found your instructions on pinterest and was excited until I saw that the cushion was 40x40 would you be able to tell me how many flowers for a 45x45 cushion and what sequence to join them in I would be so grateful.

  9. Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information Square Cushion



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