
DIY: upcycle an old t-shirt into wall art

This easy DIY can be done in just 20 minutes and is a great way to recycle your (or as in this case, your boyfriend’s) favourite logo shirts, turning them into framed wall art. 

You will need:
An old t-shirt (ironed)
Picture frame and mount (or card)

Lay your t-shirt out flat and place your mount on top of the logo. If your frame didn't come with a mount just cut a piece of card to fit the frame, the hole in the middle isn't necessary. Draw lines a couple of centimetres away from the edge of the mount at each corner. 

Cut out the logo following the lines you marked out, it doesn't need to be too neat. 

Turn the logo over so your mount or card is on the back of the logo. Start to sellotape the t-shirt to the card by folding over the edges. Keep pulling the material tight so you don't get any wrinkles. Be sure to check the front regularly to make sure the logo is in the right place and not distorted.

Then just pop into your frame, step back and admire your super DIY skills (see what I did there?).

The boyfriend immediately hung it on his office wall, so it's a definite hit. You don't have to stick with comic style t-shirts, band t-shirts, or any with brilliant quotes on them would look great too! 



  1. So tempted to hack my boyfriend's Flash t-shirt up now .. but I don't think he'd forgive me!

    1. Haha - wait until it's too old to wear, this one had seen one too many washes!

  2. This is such a great idea!
    Helen xox

  3. Awesome idea! About 30 years ago I bought a baby-blue Spiderman t-shirt at a flea market, but couldn't think what to do with it, as it was too small for me even then. I couldn't pass it up, so I wanted to do something crafty with it, but I could only picture it (pun not intended!) as part of a quilt, and I'm not that good at sewing! Now I know exactly what I'm going to do with it!

    Thanks for posting this, and putting it on craftgawker, which is where I found it.

    1. Thanks so much - I'd love to see a picture of it when you've finished :)

  4. This is a fab idea! I'm sure I can dig out some old tshirts to make into art - and we have a space on "his" gallery wall! :) xx

  5. Omg, such a brilliant idea! I've definitely got a few too-small tops that I'm hoarding... XD

  6. Omg, such a brilliant idea! I've definitely got a few too-small tops that I'm hoarding... XD

  7. I love this and I have a favourite t-shirt of my son's that I'm going to preserve like this. Thanks for the inspiration xx

  8. This is such a great idea! I would love to do this with old band tshirts that I can't bear to part with.

  9. where do you got that i want to buy it



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